The SA Bar Association is committed to promoting gender equity at the Bar in South Australia.  The “Women at the Bar” sub-committee was established in 2014 to consider measures that can be adopted by the Association that will:

  • encourage women to join the Bar;
  • support the retention of women at the Bar; and
  • optimise the opportunities for women to progress their careers at the Bar and in the law generally.

The first actions adopted by the Bar Council in September 2014, on the recommendation of the Women at the Bar sub-committee, were the introduction of an Unconscious Bias CPD Programme, and the provision of the Silk’s Commitment to engage with leaders of the Bar to commit actively to advancing the equality and diversity at the Bar.  The giving of the undertaking is completely voluntary.

The Silks’ Commitment

A pledge by Silks indicating a personal commitment to equality and diversity including, at a minimum, recommending at least one new woman for a research task or junior brief annually, and to actively support a non-discriminatory workplace culture at the Bar.


Practising Silks who have signed the Undertaking include:

  • Hugh Abbott SC
  • William Boucaut KC
  • Tom Cox KC
  • Kerry Clark SC
  • Benjamin Doyle KC
  • Tom Duggan KC
  • Dr Rachael Gray KC
  • Andrew Harris KC
  • Brian Hayes KC
  • Dominique Hogan-Doran SC
  • Claire O’Connor SC
  • Maurine Pyke KC
  • Brendon Roberts KC
  • Mark Roberts KC
  • Ian Robertson SC
  • Neville Rochow KC
  • Michael Roder KC
  • Andrew Tokley KC
  • Gillian Walker SC
  • Stephen Walsh KC
  • Jonathan Wells KC